ESIC Hospital, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli


Department Of Dentistry

              Head of Department :               Dr. C. Gunasekar, MDS

 Designation              :               (SAG) Senior Administrative Grade


Brief Introduction of the Department

Dental department is located in First floor of OPD block


Services Provided

Major services

Minor services

1. Extraction of Tooth

2. Complicated extraction of tooth

3. Surgical extraction of residual root /tooth

4. Surgical extraction of minimally difficult Impacted Tooth

5.Supra –Gingival scalling

6.Sub-Gingival Scalling

7. Treatment for oral pre-cancer lesions (OSMF, Lichen planus, leukoplakia, etc)

8. Gingivectomy

9. Alveolectomy

10. Pulpotomy

11. Root planning of all the teeth

12. Tooth Filling ( GIC, sedative Filling,)

13. Light cure composite filling

14. Root planning

1. Coronoplasty

2. Minor denture balancing

3.Counselling for cessation of oral habits

4. Brushing technique training

5. Management of oral manifestations of various systemic diseases

6.Conservative management of TMJ disorders

7. Pit and fissure sealants

8. Pulp test


Name of the Doctors / Officers


Name of Doctors/Officers



Dr Guna Sekar




Dr. V.A. Janagarathinam 




Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-11-12



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